Original Opportunity #: 202009-10036
Issued by: The City of Hillsboro
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Publish Date: Sep 25, 2020 12:00AM
s Due Date: Oct 15, 2020 2:00PM (Pacific Daylight Time) add to calendar
Status: Closed


Invitation to Bid (ITB) – Public ImprovementNE 30th Ave & NE Huffman St. ExtensionITB No. 202009-10036  The City of Hillsboro seeks competitive sealed bids from qualified and experienced firms able to provide: Roadwork, Drainage and Sewers, Traffic Control and Ilumination, Right-of-Way Development and Control, Water System.   This project consists of the construction of approximately 2600 feet of a NW Huffman Street extension through a greenfield. Construction will include an interim section of NW Huffman Street consisting of both concrete and asphalt. The project also includes a substantial amount of stormwater, wastewater, and drinking water infrastructure associated with the road way. This project will be completed in concert with neighboring private developments.  There is no pre-qualification process for this ITB.☐ There will be no pre-bid conference.  ☒  An Optional pre-bid conference will be held Thursday, October 1 at 1:00 PM by conference call at 503-558-6407.Sealed bids will be received by City Contact: Allison Bergseng, Principal Engineer. Electronic bid submission is required.  Late bids will be rejected as non-responsive. First-Tier Subcontractor Disclosure: A Bidder may submit First-Tier Subcontractor disclosure with their bid or may submit it to the City Contact by email.  If submitting by email, Bidder is responsible for assuring the email is received timely by the City. To submit a bid: Bidders must first register on the City’s ebidding site at:  https://www.hillsboro-oregon.gov/Bid-RFP.  Bids must be submitted electronically at https://www.hillsboro-oregon.gov/Bid-RFP.  This is the City’s ebidding site.  A public bid opening will be held by web-conference through MS Teams at 2:10 PM.  The conference can be accessed via the following link Join Microsoft Teams Meeting.  Questions about this ITB may be directed to the City Contact: Allison Berseng, Principal Engineer, Allison.Bergseng@Hillsboro-Oregon.gov.  ITB documents may be obtained at the City’s Bid/RFP webpage https://www.hillsboro-oregon.gov/Bid-RFP. Vendor registration is at no charge. A subscription to the Biddingo system is not required. Special arrangements must be made for viewing of hard copy documents. Email the City Contact for more information. This ITB is for construction of a Public Work subject to ORS 279C.800 to 279C.870 (prevailing wage law).  

For Questions or Additional Information, Contact:

Name: City of Hillsboro Purchasing

About The City of Hillsboro

Why contract with the City of Hillsboro?

The City of Hillsboro has a decentralized purchasing function in which the City’s departments are generally responsible for their own procurement process. The Purchasing department advises and assists other departments as needed and initiates purchases that benefit the entire city. In addition to providing assistance during the purchasing process, the purchasing department maintains the city-wide purchase card program, updates purchasing related ordinance and supports the City’s financial system’s purchasing module.

You can read more about our purchasing department here.
