Original Opportunity #: 202104-10016
Issued by: The City of Hillsboro
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Publish Date: May 11, 2021 12:01AM
s Due Date: Dec 31, 1969 7:00PM (Pacific Daylight Time) add to calendar
Status: Closed


On-Call Public Works Construction RFP # 202104-10016 Request for ProposalsMinority, Women, and Emerging Small Businesses (“MWESB”) are encouraged to respond.  When subcontracting, all proposers are encouraged to contact and consider MWESBs.  Businesses or individuals will not be discriminated against on the grounds of race, color or national origin, in the awarding of a contract or contracts resulting from this RFP. The City of Hillsboro (“City”) seeks qualified organizations able to construct and repair public infrastructure as described below for various small works repair projects throughout the City of Hillsboro. Construction and repair work may include, but is not limited to, sanitary and storm sewer main lines and laterals, manholes, cleanouts, catch basins, storm water quality and detention facilities, storm outfalls, adjustment of utility structures to grade, sidewalks, curbs, street paving, and landscaping installation and maintenance. The City may select multiple contractors for this work with work to be assigned based upon a combination of contractor cost and availability.  All work performed under this contract shall be subject to Oregon prevailing wage (BOLI) requirements regardless of scope or cost. Proposals must be uploaded electronically through the City’s ebidding site as specified in the RFP. Late proposals shall not be accepted. This RFP document may be obtained electronically at: https://www.hillsboro-oregon.gov/Bid-RFP from May 10, 2021 until, at minimum, the date and time Proposals are due. This is the City’s ebidding website.  Proposal opening will occur shortly after the date and time proposals are due and the RFP has closed.   For additional information contact: Charlie Shell, Project Manager Email: Charlie.Shell@Hillsboro-Oregon.gov Phone: 503-681-6252  

For Questions or Additional Information, Contact:

Name: City of Hillsboro Purchasing

Solicitation Change History

Changes to This Listing:

May 21, 2021

About The City of Hillsboro

Why contract with the City of Hillsboro?

The City of Hillsboro has a decentralized purchasing function in which the City’s departments are generally responsible for their own procurement process. The Purchasing department advises and assists other departments as needed and initiates purchases that benefit the entire city. In addition to providing assistance during the purchasing process, the purchasing department maintains the city-wide purchase card program, updates purchasing related ordinance and supports the City’s financial system’s purchasing module.

You can read more about our purchasing department here.
