Original Opportunity #: 202107-10029
Issued by: The City of Hillsboro
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Publish Date: Jul 28, 2021 12:00AM
s Due Date: Aug 17, 2021 2:00PM (Pacific Daylight Time) add to calendar
Status: Closed


The City of Hillsboro (“City”) seeks a highly qualified professional or firm (“Consultant”) to guide the City of Hillsboro Public Works Department through a strategic planning process. The City of Hillsboro Public Works Department intends to develop an employee driven strategic plan that aligns with City priorities and goals. The Consultant will be responsible for guiding the Public Works Department staff through the development of a strategic plan with measurable goals and attainable benchmarks and milestones. The Public Works Department last completed a strategic planning process in 2012 for its 2013-2016 Strategic Plan. As Hillsboro continues to grow, it is vital for the Public Works Department to evaluate the structure of its programs and associated procedures and processes, and to develop new goals and objectives which align with the City of Hillsboro’s, vision, core values, the 2035 community plan, its equity goals, and priorities of City Council. The Consultant will provide the following deliverables. Information gathering Stakeholder Engagement Situational Analysis Plan Development Plan Evaluation & Integration

For Questions or Additional Information, Contact:

Name: City of Hillsboro Purchasing

About The City of Hillsboro

Why contract with the City of Hillsboro?

The City of Hillsboro has a decentralized purchasing function in which the City’s departments are generally responsible for their own procurement process. The Purchasing department advises and assists other departments as needed and initiates purchases that benefit the entire city. In addition to providing assistance during the purchasing process, the purchasing department maintains the city-wide purchase card program, updates purchasing related ordinance and supports the City’s financial system’s purchasing module.

You can read more about our purchasing department here.
