Original Opportunity #: 202001-10001
Issued by: The City of Hillsboro
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Publish Date: Jan 8, 2020 12:02AM
s Due Date: Jan 30, 2020 2:00PM (Pacific Daylight Time) add to calendar
Status: Closed


The City of Hillsboro (“City”) seeks software and related services (Software as a Service or SAAS) for the management of a water quality dataset as well as the performance of in-application analyses. Contractor shall provide a system (Water Quality Database Platform) to replace the City’s MS Access database that is currently used to manage water samples entered manually and through imported lab results. This Access database also generates standard reports however, the current system has some significant limitations.  A sample of the Access Database is included as Attachment F.  A technical memo describing the structure of the database is included as Attachment G.   Among other features, the new, cloud-based system will provide: simultaneous login for multiple users, smoother data entry, streamlined lab report importing, more reliable and user-friendly reporting, record auditing, and the ability to interface with the City’s business intelligence software and SCADA data.   

For Questions or Additional Information, Contact:

Name: City of Hillsboro Purchasing

About The City of Hillsboro

Why contract with the City of Hillsboro?

The City of Hillsboro has a decentralized purchasing function in which the City’s departments are generally responsible for their own procurement process. The Purchasing department advises and assists other departments as needed and initiates purchases that benefit the entire city. In addition to providing assistance during the purchasing process, the purchasing department maintains the city-wide purchase card program, updates purchasing related ordinance and supports the City’s financial system’s purchasing module.

You can read more about our purchasing department here.
