Reissue 2020-21 On-Call Concrete Services
Original Opportunity #: | 202006-10029 |
Issued by: | The City of Hillsboro |
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Publish Date: | Jun 24, 2020 12:00AM |
s Due Date: |
Jul 8, 2020 2:00PM
(Pacific Daylight Time)
Status: | Closed |
ADVERTISEMENT CITY OF HILLSBORO Public Works, Engineering Division Invitation to Bid (ITB) – Public Improvement Reissue - 2020/2021 On-Call Concrete Services No. 202006-10029 Bids due and Bid Closing Date and Time: July 8, 2020 2:00 PM First Tier Subcontractor Disclosure due: Not later than July 8, 2020 4:00 PM The City of Hillsboro seeks sealed bids from qualified firms able to provide the following: This contract is for unanticipated on-call concrete repair services throughout the City of Hillsboro stemming from citizen complaints. The work consists of many different repair projects such as sidewalk panel replacement, curb or curb/gutter replacement, sidewalk ramp replacement with installation of truncated domes and residential and commercial driveway approaches. Each project will not exceed $50,000. The City cannot guarantee any volume of work as a result of this ITB. This work consists of furnishing all labor, equipment, and materials necessary to perform and complete each project including mobilization, insurance, traffic control and work zone protection, erosion control, saw cutting, excavation, removal and disposal of existing concrete, asphalt or other spoils, installation of any base rock, adjustment of utility boxes located in the proposed concrete, removal and/or replacement of mailboxes, restoration of any storm drainage and weep holes, restoration of any irrigation systems damaged, clean-up, grass seeding and/or bark dust. There is no pre-qualification process for this ITB. Sealed bids will be received by City Contact: Brad Albert, Section Manager. Electronic bid submission is required. Late bids will be rejected as non-responsive. First-Tier Subocontractor Disclosure: A Bidder may submit First-Tier Subcontractor disclosure with their bid or may submit it to the City Contact by email. If submitting by email, Bidder is responsible for assuring the email is received timely by the City. To submit a bid: Bidders must first register on the City’s ebidding site at: Bids must be submitted electronically at This is the City’s ebidding site. A public bid opening will be held by phone at 2:00 PM. The phone conference number is: (503)773-2026. Questions about this ITB may be directed to the City Contact: Brad Albert at 503-681-6234 or ITB documents may be obtained at the City’s Bid/RFP webpage Vendor registration is at no charge. A subscription to the Biddingo system is not required. Special arrangements must be made for viewing of hard copy documents. Phone or email the City Contact for more information. This Invitation to Bid is being issued while the City and our region are under a declaration of emergency (although this solicitation may not be for services needed on an emergency basis). Most City staff are working remotely and City facilities are closed to the public, requiring a few temporary changes to standard ITB procedures. Deviations from standard language/procedures are highlighted yellow and are specific to this form of ITB, issued under declaration of emergency. We expect that our procedures will return to normal once the current emergency has ended.For Questions or Additional Information, Contact:
Name: City of Hillsboro Purchasing
About The City of Hillsboro
Why contract with the City of Hillsboro?
The City of Hillsboro has a decentralized purchasing function in which the City’s departments are generally responsible for their own procurement process. The Purchasing department advises and assists other departments as needed and initiates purchases that benefit the entire city. In addition to providing assistance during the purchasing process, the purchasing department maintains the city-wide purchase card program, updates purchasing related ordinance and supports the City’s financial system’s purchasing module.
You can read more about our purchasing department here.
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